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Helpful commonly asked questions and answers.
Helpful commonly asked questions and answers.
We’d love to help. If you have a question that isn’t below we can provide an answer. Get in touch here.
Why Sheep Milk?
Aside from the scientifically proven functional benefits of sheep milk, not all our milk is suited to our founding business, cheese making. What better way to make use of a beautiful natural ingredient than using its inherently beneficial properties in skincare?
What’s so special about our packaging?
All our packaging is returnable to the earth. It is our view at Ewe Care that we are here to solve problems, not create them and thus every element of our packaging can safely and confidently return to the earth.
Why Tasmanian?
Aside from the fact that it’s where we live, our Island State is World renowned for the cleanest air and purest waters, both on land and the waters that surround us. Tasmania is blessed with natural riches that aside from their purities are unique in their functionalities making them not only uniquely Tasmanian but uniquely beneficial to our skin’s microbiome. Read more about our ingredients.
Given Wool is burned onto the outside of the cream holder, will it smell of burnt hair?
No. Our ceramicist goes to great lengths to ensure that the cream holders carry no sensory trace of the burn other than the beautiful pattern it creates.
You say that all your packaging is ‘returnable to the earth’. How long will the packaging take to break down?
This is dependent on the temperature and composition of your home compost. All components should be expected to have biodegraded in normal home compost from 45 days 12-month time frame.